Ait Iaaza (SOLD), 2008, oil on canvas, 15 x 18 inches

Stretchers, 2008, oil on canvas, 44 7/8 x 57 5/8 inches

Two Heads and Hands (Study for Luzbel and Lucifer), 1983, pencil on paper, 15 3/4 x 19 1/2 inches

Green Sofa, 1991, pastel on paper, 31 1/4 x 45 7/8 inches

Marabout de Tata, 2008, sanguine on sepia paper, 9 1/2 x 12 inches

Marabout de Tiout (SOLD), 2008, pencil and crayon on blue paper, 9 1/2 x 12 inches

Yellow Marjana, 2008, oil on canvas, 51 1/8 x 63 3/4 inches

Blue Marjana, 2008, oil on canvas, 51 x 63 3/4 inches

Moroccan Fans, 1994, oil on canvas, 39 1/2 x 31 3/4 inches

Engines, 2008, pencil on paper, 29 1/8 x 42 7/8 inches

Engines, 2009, oil on canvas, 63 3/4 x 51 1/8 inches

Still Life, 2003, oil on canvas, 12 1/8 x 18 3/4 inches

Stone and Spathe, 2010, oil on canvas, 39 3/8 x 31 7/8 inches

Nude Male Leaning on Column, 1979, oil on canvas, 38 x 34 1/8 inches

Opening the Door, 1991, pastel on paper, 29 1/8 x 40 1/8 inches

Palm Frond, 2008, oil on canvas, 78 1/2 x 29 3/8 inches

Ritual Stones, 1997, oil on canvas, 38 x 51 inches

Lamb Skin, 2003, pastel on paper, 29 1/8 x 42 7/8 inches

Camel and Lamb Skins, 2004, oil on canvas, 35 x 57 1/8 inches

Said, 1995, black charcoal, sanguine, and white pencil on paper, 41 1/2 x 29 1/2 inches

Red Cloth, 2011, oil on canvas, 78 3/4 x 29 1/2 inches

Three Aluminum Papers, 2010, oil on canvas, 63 3/4 x 51 1/8 inches

Saharan Vessel (SOLD), 1994, oil on canvas, 47 1/4 x 39 1/2 inches

Green and Aluminum, 2010, oil on canvas, 98 1/4 x 19 5/8 inches